Thursday, January 3, 2013

But the Scones...

This morning I had to wake up early, like still dark early (though that's not saying much as it is the dead of winter). I am not complaining, I enjoy going to work early in the morning. Early to work, early off of work and with a full day remaining to do what I will.
However, due to the darkness and the lack of routine, I was in dire need of a coffee and perhaps a coffee goody. So I went to my favorite gluten-free scone providing coffee making joint, and bought my favorite gluten-free scone with raspberries in it along with the tallest caffeinated beverage I could find.
I rushed off to work, at this point famished. I clocked in, did all my first duties on the clock, and finally found my chance to enjoy my delicious scone. It is that moment in which the thought occurred...."Do scones have dairy in them?"
After some heartbreaking research I found that they generally require milk or cream or sour cream - never mind the butter which I hadn't even considered.
So now my scone sits in front of me...mocking me. Mean scone. I'm eagerly waiting for the next person to come to work to see if I can trade it, something reminiscent of elementary school play. Mean, mean, mean scones.
My goal for the month is to create a delicious dairy free and gluten free scone which I can enjoy and mock this solely gluten-free scone! I welcome suggestions.

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